Hetty si leul cel pofticios

Sambata la atelierul de engleza am abordat din nou povestea „Hetty and the lion” (o puteti descarca gratuit de aici) si mai intai am trecut in revista fructele pe care le-a mancat leul si copiii se intrebau „Would you like some apples/oranges, pears, bananas?”  „Yes, I would.” 

Am interpretat apoi povestea cu ajutorul marionetelor, fiecare copil  a fost pe rand Hetty si leul si se intrebau:

„Lion, would you like some milk?

„Oh, yes please.”And the lion ate all the milk and Hatty had none .

„Lion, would you like some oranges?”

„Oh yes, please.” And the lion ate all the oranges and Hetty had none.

„Lion, would you like some apples? „

„Oh yes please.” And the lion ate all the apples and Hetty had none.

„Lion, would you like some bananas?”

„Oh, yes please. And the lion ate all the bananas and Hetty had none.

” Lion, would you like some pears?”

„Oh, yes please. And the lion ate all the pears and Hetty had none.

„Lion would you like some ice cream?”

” Oh, yes please. But Hetty gave him only a little ice cream and she ate the rest. 

In timpul povestii ii intrebam pe copii cum se simte Hetty : sad, angry, surprised. Am cantat si cantecelul povestii (dialogul dintre cei doi e pus pe melodie ) si l-am interpretat.

Am facut cate un leu din carton cu coama din fire le lana.

Impartiti in doua echipe ne-am jucat apoi de-a chelnerii. Fiecare echipa avea un chelner care venea la masa cu o tava cu fructe si ii intreba: „Would you like some pples/pears/oranges?” Cei de la masa raspundeau „Yes, please/ No, thank you.”

Surpriza dulce a fost in lei din pungute de hartie.


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